
The Orange That Smelled.

This incident happened when I was 16. It was the last day of school before my matriculation exam. Seven students were present in our class out of forty six. Since it was the last day, teachers came and went without saying much. The curriculum was completed, revision of the course was over and the teachers… Continue reading The Orange That Smelled.


Dreams matter, marks don’t!

The tenth and twelfth results were declared recently, creating a frenzy amongst parents and students. But seven years after passing my matriculation, I often wonder "do marks really matter?" Or to rephrase, "do marks matters more than dreams?" Because where I'm standing today, I wish I had secured lesser marks than I did. I wish… Continue reading Dreams matter, marks don’t!


वृद्ध हो चला है

कमरे में आते ही, उसपर नज़र पड़ जाती है, कितना वृद्ध हो चला है वो चेहरे पर कुछ लकीरें दिख ही जाती है। एक वक्त था मेरे सारे बोझ हँसकर उठा लिया करता था अब शायद संभाल ना पाए इसलिए उसे परेशान नहीं करती पर अक्सर उसे देखा करती हूं। असहाय सा, आड़े टेढ़े करवट… Continue reading वृद्ध हो चला है